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Bad Religion in Curitiba - 1996

Those were the early days of internet, especially in Brazil.

Luckily, I was an engineer student in a Federal University in Curitiba. Internet in Brazil was a privilege of some universities (mine included), so I had access to the web. And I had e-mail.

It was the early days of 1996 and I was working as a student researcher in the AI lab of my college. It was boring, and I loved rock´n´roll, as all smart and bored kids did. Since 1993, after a disastrous attempt to play an RPG game at a friend´s house, I met the band that would change my life forever, Bad Religion (@badreligionband). How I met the band is a long and different story, but since then I became a huge fan and started a punk rock band thanks to them.

Well, back to the lab and the e-mail access, after long hours of research, and thanks to the naivety reigning on the early days of the web, I managed to find out the e-mail of Bad Religion´s manager at the time, Michele Ceazan (@monsqueeze). So I wrote her.

I can´t remember the content of the e-mail in details, and unfortunately I was not smart enough to save it, but basically I was telling Michele that it was a shame that Bad Religion had never played in Brazil, and that they should do it ASAP once they had a huge fan basis down here. Her answer was unexpected and cute: “Nobody ever asked us to come down and play”. Well, I had a mission. As I was already involved on the underground punk rock scene in Curitiba, I found some names and contacts and sent it to her.

My memory sucks, so I´ll never remember if it was thanks to the contacts I provided or not, but later that year, two days after playing in Sao Paulo as one of the bands at a festival called Close Up Planet, which had the Sex Pistols as headliners (of course I was there), my favorite band in the world was playing in my home town, less than a mile from home. They didn´t play in Rio, Belo Horizonte or any other big capitals in Brazil. They played at Curitiba, and that was everything.

The place was called Aeroanta and Michele asked me to come by the sound check and meet the guys. Well, no need to tell what it means to a kid that loves a band, and started a band thanks to them, to meet his idols. So in the afternoon of December 1st 1996, I was at the parking lot of Aeroanta, waiting for Michele to call me in.

I brought a demo tape and a terrible homemade T-shirt of Confusion Oba!, my band at the time. I gave it to Greg Graffin (@greggraffin) and got a baseball cap of the band in return. I took pictures with the guys (as you can see), and only Graffin is missing, because of the unfortunate decision of taking the picture with my now ex-girlfriend (one should always find a way to take a backup picture alone for every major event when under 30s). Jay Bentley (@jaybentleys) was the one I spent more time with, talking about Harley Davidson motorcycles, a shared passion.
Minutes before the soundcheck, both Gregs asked me which song I would like to hear later that night. I took my chances giving the guys 3 options, my 3 all-time favorites then, You, Portrait of Authority and I can´t remember the third. But I do remember they looking at each other and saying in unison “Portrait”. And so they played it. I was unbelievably overwhelmed that night. Jumped, danced, sang like a maniac. I remember getting home, taking my guitar and writing like half a dozen songs. That´s how inspired I was by my idols.

After that I´ve seen the guys playing, in all different formations, for more than 10 times. But they never played Portrait of Authority again, at least not on my watch.


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