Those were the early days of internet, especially in Brazil. Luckily, I was an engineer student in a Federal University in Curitiba. Internet in Brazil was a privilege of some universities (mine included), so I had access to the web. And I had e-mail. It was the early days of 1996 and I was working as a student researcher in the AI lab of my college. It was boring, and I loved rock´n´roll, as all smart and bored kids did. Since 1993, after a disastrous attempt to play an RPG game at a friend´s house, I met the band that would change my life forever, Bad Religion (@badreligionband). How I met the band is a long and different story, but since then I became a huge fan and started a punk rock band thanks to them. Well, back to the lab and the e-mail access, after long hours of research, and thanks to the naivety reigning on the early days of the web, I managed to find out the e-mail of Bad Religion´s manager at the time, Michele Ceazan (@monsqueeze). So I wrote her. I can...
"A vida não é a que a gente viveu, e sim a que a gente recorda, e como recorda para contá-la" Gabriel García Márquez